Infrastructure and Logistics

Foregrounds the built systems or networks that coordinate the circulation of things, people, money, and data into integrated wholes. Provides an analytical framework for critically interrogating the relation between built networks and their spatial mobilities, including attention to their institutional dimensions, political economies, and forms of life that interact with and reshape their geographies.

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Disquieting ambivalence of mega-infrastructures: Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway as spectacle and ruination

Putting research on the socio-political effects of Kenya’s new Standard Gauge Railway in conversation with geographically and anthropologically grounded scholarship on infrastructure, the article analyses how megaprojects, in spite of state spectacles of infrastructure-qua-development, are embroiled in multiple modalities of ruination.


Gediminas Lesutis

Infrastructural politics in the Middle East and North Africa: Pasts, presents, futures

Infrastructures, as the humanistic and social scientific literature comprising an 'infrasturctural turn' show, are systems that move water, raw materials, goods, electricity, trash, and people while shaping social identities and notions of citizenship, creating forms of exclusion and belonging, and producing environmental meanings and practices.


Ekin Kurtiç, Joanne Randa Nucho

Agricultural infrastructures: Land, race, and statecraft in Turkey

This article argues that biopolitical infrastructures have been central features of Turkey’s ongoing colonization of Kurdish territories and populations and that the Green Revolution, despite its promise of progress and abundance, needs to be understood as part of this history of racialized state-making.


Begüm Adalet

On the iron cage: Infrastructural worlding in Mandate Palestine

Perhaps the most famous image of Palestinian life under the British (1917–1948) is that of the “iron cage.” This article holds on to the notion of the iron cage, but proposes to stretch its meanings in two directions.


Fredrik Meiton

A diplomatic trip

Why do infrastructures remain in place if they do not perform the functions which compelled their design? If soft infrastructures such as diplomatic trips do not increase bilateral trade volumes, why do they stay on the agenda?


Gökçe Günel

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